
The Executive Board on the KIT Science Week and on the Topic of Sustainability
Holger Hanselka, Kora Kristof, Thomas Hirth

Taking Everybody Along

Sustainability is a challenge facing humanity. Holger Hanselka, Thomas Hirth, and Kora Kristof explain the role of science in the transformation towards a sustainable society, why young people are so important, and how KIT will be made sustainable.

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Thomas Hirrth

Living the Change

Professor Thomas Hirth, Vice President for Innovation and International Affairs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), advocates for researchers assuming responsibility and taking on the grand global challenges of humankind in exchange with all actors in society. He thinks: The Science Week is an ideal space for doing so. In this interview he reveals the idea behind the Science Week and how he plans to bring science and society together with such innovative types of events.

To the interview